Subject Verb Agreement Prepositional Phrases Worksheet

Subject-verb agreement is a crucial aspect of grammar. It is necessary to ensure that the subject and verb in a sentence are in agreement with each other. Prepositional phrases are an additional element that can sometimes complicate subject-verb agreement. This is where a subject-verb agreement prepositional phrases worksheet comes in handy.

What are prepositional phrases?

A prepositional phrase consists of a preposition, an object of the preposition, and any modifiers of that object. For instance, in the sentence “The book is on the table,” “on the table” is the prepositional phrase. “On” is the preposition, “table” is the object of the preposition, and the article “the” modifies “table.”

How do prepositional phrases affect subject-verb agreement?

Prepositional phrases can sometimes create confusion regarding subject-verb agreement. The main reason for this is because prepositional phrases can include nouns and pronouns that are not related to the subject of the sentence. This can lead to incorrect subject-verb agreement.

For instance, consider the sentence “The group of students is excited about their project.” Here, the subject is “group,” which is singular. However, the prepositional phrase “of students” includes the plural noun “students.” This can create confusion, and one might be tempted to use the plural verb “are” instead of the singular verb “is.” However, the correct sentence should be “The group of students is excited about its project.”

Why is a subject-verb agreement prepositional phrases worksheet important?

Subject-verb agreement prepositional phrases worksheet is essential for learners to practice this aspect of grammar. It provides learners with a variety of sentences that include prepositional phrases, helping them understand how to determine the subject and verb of a sentence correctly.

The worksheet usually contains sentences with prepositional phrases, and students have to identify the subject and verb of each sentence. This practice helps learners to understand how prepositional phrases affect subject-verb agreement and build their confidence in using correct grammar.


Subject-verb agreement prepositional phrases worksheet is an essential tool for learners to understand this aspect of grammar. It helps learners to identify the correct subject and verb of a sentence and avoid common errors that can occur when prepositional phrases are present. By practicing subject-verb agreement with prepositional phrases, learners can improve their writing and speaking skills.

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